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Go the easy way


I mostly run short distances (4-5 km maximum),during a 30mn period and on the same route (Aubonne-Fechy-Aubonne). In short, my runs are easy. Very easy. Each time I go out for a run my mind already knows what it is up to. Easiness. The predictability of my runs allows me to be consistent over time without requiring to be motivated. I changed the task of running into a simple and effortless habit. Although this approach will never make me a great runner, it has kept me fit over the years.

The easy way
Today, I need to turn the act of painting into an effortless habit as well. So that it becomes an activity I can look forward to performing with pleasure again. To accomplish this, I must start thinking in terms of series. Each month, I can focus on creating one or two pictures around a unique theme, instead of five unrelated paintings per week. Once the series is completed I can run an exhibition in a single location, easy to get to, where I can show my work with joy. The goal is to replace short-term spurt of creativity with long-term and continuous engagement.

Having written this, I already look forward to building new series just as I am enthused at running the next upcoming adventure runs.

© 2017 ERIC WARE